Product Updates
August 28, 2024

CSV Compatibility on TimelyGrader

TimelyGrader can now grade and provide feedback on CSV and Excel files! Whether you are teaching students how to format rows and columns, getting them to analyze large datasets, or reviewing a financial statement, our platform can now handle your first-pass feedback and provide grading suggestions.

A sample CSV file preview

How It Works:
  1. Create Assignment: As with all assignments, you will need to provide the assignment instructions and grading rubric. If you don’t have a rubric, you can use our AI rubric generator to create it within a minute.
  2. Upload: Simply upload your CSV or XLSX files to assignments just like any other PDF, DOC, or DOCX files.
  3. Validate & Grade: The platform will process the files and deliver grading suggestions and feedback. The annotation will appear on the relevant cells/rows/columns so you can focus your time validating AI results.

If you have a spreadsheet assignment that you’ve been waiting for some help with in grading and providing feedback on, you can do that August 28th at 4PM PST. Yep - CSV and XLSX compatibility is available to all users starting today!

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Enhancing education with AI-powered grading and feedback.