Ready to streamline each assignment from start to finish?

TimelyGrader helps instructors grade more efficiently, give better feedback, and streamline the process from start to finish.

How does it work?

TimelyGrader uses all available assignment information to provide suggestions. Instructors are the humans in the loop and you make the final grading and feedback decisions.

GIF demonstrating the assignment creation process.
Step one tag
Enter assignment details

Enter assignment details like title, description, and any specifications. This helps the AI give targeted responses that are more relevant.

If your course is LMS integrated, you can also import this information from your LMS.

GIF demonstrating creating a rubric
Step two tag
Create an AI friendly rubric

Use an existing rubric or let AI create one from the assignment description. TimelyGrader helps develop effective rubrics for accurate grading within minutes.

If your course is LMS integrated, you can also import this information from your LMS.

To learn more about our AI rubric generator, click here!

GIF demonstrating suggested grades
Step 3 tag
Batch upload and be the human-in-the-loop

Upload up to 600 student files for personalized grading and feedback suggestions. You make the final decisions.

If your course is LMS integrated, all student work will be synced with the push of a button.

GIF demonstrating grade export
Step four tag
Export grades

Once you finalize grades and feedback, you can export them to a CSV or push them back to the LMS.

If your course is LMS integrated, you can also push these grades and feedback back to your LMS.

AI grading & suggestions

TimelyGrader provides accurate suggestions and explanations of its decision so you can validate output quickly and efficiently.

30h on average saved per course

*based on a 12 week course

9/10 instructors want to permanently integrate TimelyGrader into their workflow after their first course

8/10 instructors used TimelyGrader every week of their course

Submission analysis

Submission analysis helps instructors spot patterns and areas for improvement in drafts and assignments. Analytics give actionable insights for teaching strategies.

Gain a holistic, data-driven perspective of student work

Leverage actionable analytics to make strategic adjustments in teaching methods

Pinpoint areas where support is needed

API integrations with Canvas and D2L

TimelyGrader is currently fully integrated with both Canvas and D2L!

Single sign on

Assignment and submission sync

Grades and feedback passback

Canvas demo
D2L demo
API integration logos including Canvas, D2L, Blackboard and Moodle.

TimelyGrader is an Instructure partner.

What TimelyGrader users are saying

TimelyGrader provides feedback on things that I normally wouldn't catch and organizes all the feedback in a very comprehensive manner that I would never have the time for.

Tom DeWitt
Broad College of Business

I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen when it comes to TimelyGrader.

University of Illinois

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I would absolutely use Ensightful again to improve team projects. Ensightful helped me to identify team problems early on in a project and helped teams develop team skills, communicate better, and to achieve higher performance.

Dr. Wayne Rawcliffe
Full-time Lecturer

Ensightful helped me pinpoint major issues for teams where students were not contributing and enabled me to address such behaviors in week two rather than finding out about it in week seven.

Elizabeth Mays
Full-time Lecturer

TimelyGrader provides feedback on things that I normally wouldn't catch and organizes all the feedback in a very comprehensive manner that I would never have the time for.

Tom DeWitt
Broad College of Business

I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen when it comes to TimelyGrader.

University of Illinois

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I would absolutely use Ensightful again to improve team projects. Ensightful helped me to identify team problems early on in a project and helped teams develop team skills, communicate better, and to achieve higher performance.

Dr. Wayne Rawcliffe
Full-time Lecturer

Ensightful helped me pinpoint major issues for teams where students were not contributing and enabled me to address such behaviors in week two rather than finding out about it in week seven.

Elizabeth Mays
Full-time Lecturer

TimelyGrader provides feedback on things that I normally wouldn't catch and organizes all the feedback in a very comprehensive manner that I would never have the time for.

Tom DeWitt
Broad College of Business

I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen when it comes to TimelyGrader.

University of Illinois

I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen when it comes to TimelyGrader.

University of Illinois

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I would absolutely use Ensightful again to improve team projects. Ensightful helped me to identify team problems early on in a project and helped teams develop team skills, communicate better, and to achieve higher performance.

Dr. Wayne Rawcliffe
Full-time Lecturer

Ensightful helped me pinpoint major issues for teams where students were not contributing and enabled me to address such behaviors in week two rather than finding out about it in week seven.

Elizabeth Mays
Full-time Lecturer

Try TimelyGrader for free today or see how it works

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Enhancing education with AI-powered grading and feedback.