Product Updates
November 8, 2024

Coming Soon: Advanced Grading Settings!

We’re excited to announce that this Wednesday, November 13th, at 4PM PST, Advanced Grading Settings will be available on TimelyGrader! 🎉 Similar to Advanced Feedback Settings, these settings are designed to offer you more control, flexibility, and precision in grading.

Where Can I Find Advanced Grading Settings?

While setting up an assignment, go to the grading section. In the top right corner, you’ll now see an "Advanced Settings" button—clicking it will take you directly to the advanced grading settings.

What Can I Do With Advanced Grading Settings? 

With advanced grading settings, you have two powerful options to further tailor the grading process for each assignment:

  • General Grading Instructions: This option allows you to provide high-level guidance to the AI, outlining your overall expectations and any specific focus areas for grading the assignment. It ensures the AI considers your primary objectives and grading style across all criteria.
  • Criterion-Specific Grading Instructions: With this new feature, you can add grading instructions for each individual criterion. For example, you might want the AI to focus on the depth of analysis in one criterion while emphasizing clarity and organization in another. Creating criterion-specific grading instructions can improve both the relevance and precision of its grading suggestions.

Adding criterion-specific grading instructions

You can access criterion-specific grading instructions directly while grading—simply open them from the dropdown on each criterion card.

Viewing criterion-specific grading instructions while grading

With these options, you’ll have more control over how the AI applies each rubric criterion, allowing for a more tailored grading experience.

Ready to try it? Advanced Grading Settings will be available on the platform this Wednesday, November 13th, at 4PM PST.

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Enhancing education with AI-powered grading and feedback.