AI Grading Assistant with

TimelyGrader uses AI to transform your grading process from the start while ensuring there is a human-in-the-loop at every step of the way.

Photo of Philippos Savvides.
"I chose TimelyGrader to streamline my grading, and its effectiveness was clear from the improved quality of student work!"
Phillippos Savvides

TimelyGrader is an Instructure partner.

Supporting both instructors and students




Student submissions graded


Instructors and teachers


NPS score at our pilot institutions

AI For Grading Papers & More

Whether it’s term papers, weekly essays, or even presentation decks, TimelyGrader can be used to provide AI grading and first-pass feedback.Images, charts, and tables? No problem.

Scalable AI Feedback

Provide better feedback to your students more frequently without extra work. You can also enable our instant feedback feature to give students the ability to request and receive feedback anytime.

AI-Assisted Grading

Reduce your grading time by 60% by getting instant AI grading suggestions. The AI will give you explanations and point to areas of the submission to show why grades were suggested so you can validate with ease.

We give you suggestions & you make the decisions

Our AI Grader provides you with suggestions and the reasoning behind them. You are the one that makes the final call so we can save you time while staying accurate.

The only AI grading platform that ensures human-in-the-loop

AI helps you be consistent during long grading sessions

"I think the AI is spot-on. It is definitely in the 90% accuracy category."

Hayden Noel, Professor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

High quality feedback improves student outcomes

Provide feedback earlier in the process and more often

“TimelyGrader is helpful because it provides specific and actionable suggestions and it gives constructive criticism, so that encourages a more productive learning space.”

Student at FHSU

What TimelyGrader users are saying

TimelyGrader provides feedback on things that I normally wouldn't catch and organizes all the feedback in a very comprehensive manner that I would never have the time for.

Tom DeWitt
Broad College of Business

I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen when it comes to TimelyGrader.

University of Illinois

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I would absolutely use Ensightful again to improve team projects. Ensightful helped me to identify team problems early on in a project and helped teams develop team skills, communicate better, and to achieve higher performance.

Dr. Wayne Rawcliffe
Full-time Lecturer

Ensightful helped me pinpoint major issues for teams where students were not contributing and enabled me to address such behaviors in week two rather than finding out about it in week seven.

Elizabeth Mays
Full-time Lecturer

TimelyGrader provides feedback on things that I normally wouldn't catch and organizes all the feedback in a very comprehensive manner that I would never have the time for.

Tom DeWitt
Broad College of Business

I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen when it comes to TimelyGrader.

University of Illinois

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I would absolutely use Ensightful again to improve team projects. Ensightful helped me to identify team problems early on in a project and helped teams develop team skills, communicate better, and to achieve higher performance.

Dr. Wayne Rawcliffe
Full-time Lecturer

Ensightful helped me pinpoint major issues for teams where students were not contributing and enabled me to address such behaviors in week two rather than finding out about it in week seven.

Elizabeth Mays
Full-time Lecturer

TimelyGrader provides feedback on things that I normally wouldn't catch and organizes all the feedback in a very comprehensive manner that I would never have the time for.

Tom DeWitt
Broad College of Business

I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen when it comes to TimelyGrader.

University of Illinois

I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen when it comes to TimelyGrader.

University of Illinois

I love how TimleyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students with more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.

Dartmouth College

I would absolutely use Ensightful again to improve team projects. Ensightful helped me to identify team problems early on in a project and helped teams develop team skills, communicate better, and to achieve higher performance.

Dr. Wayne Rawcliffe
Full-time Lecturer

Ensightful helped me pinpoint major issues for teams where students were not contributing and enabled me to address such behaviors in week two rather than finding out about it in week seven.

Elizabeth Mays
Full-time Lecturer

Not just another "AI Essay Grader"

TimelyGrader supports a wide range of assignments, including those with visuals!

Learn more
Written Assignments
Presentation Slides
Student Blogs
Research Reports
Research Notes
Marketing Plans
Strategic Plans
SWOT Analysis
Porter's Five Forces
PESTEL Analysis
Written Assignments
Presentation Slides
Student Blogs
Research Reports
Research Notes
Marketing Plans
PESTEL Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Strategic Plans
Porter's Five Forces

Why instructors love TimelyGrader

Photo of Tom Dewitt
"TimelyGrader provides feedback on things that I normally wouldn't catch and organizes all the feedback in a very comprehensive manner that I would never have the time for."
Tom Dewitt
University of Illinois
I'm definitely more hesitant when it comes to AI, but I'm really impressed with what I've seen with TimelyGrader.
Photo of Philippos Savvides.
I want to reiterate that, in my opinion, while this had benefits for me as an instructor, the biggest improvement was on the quality of student work.
Philippos Savvides
Dartmouth College
I love how TimelyGrader integrates AI into the human process. I want to provide students more feedback but I don't have the time, AI feedback and grading is going to be incredibly valuable for this.
Adam Kleinbaum
Simon Fraser University
This time the grading process took about one hour, manually it probably would have taken two hours and I wouldn't have been able to give feedback in that time.
Emily Treen
College of Charleston
The grading was eased and helped my life be a little bit more balanced.
Kelley Anderson
University of Illinois
I am experimenting with a few different AI Grading Assistants and I'm finding that TimelyGrader is one of the best. Here are the things I appreciate: Upload my own rubric, uploading an exemplar paper to calibrate the scoring, accurate feedback.
College of Charleston
TimelyGrader is a fantastic tool for me! I am very satisfied with this tool and think it is a game changer for the way I give feedback to my students on their writing assignments!
Paige Hymel
Photo of Philippos Savvides.
I love the detailed feedback it gives. It's very helpful and saves me so much time.
Catherine Parker
Iron County School District Logo
Very impressed! I would recommend this program and team to any teacher looking to speed up the grading process without losing quality feedback for students.
College of Charleston
I'm using it and am happy so far; saving me tons of time on generating comments, especially.
Marian Mazzone
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API integrations with Canvas and D2L

TimelyGrader is currently fully integrated with both Canvas and D2L!

Single sign on

Assignment and submission sync

Grades and feedback passback

Canvas demo
D2L demo
API integration logos including Canvas, D2L, Blackboard and Moodle.

TimelyGrader is an Instructure partner.


TimelyGrader ensures all students have equal access to our learning tools. By adhering to global standards, we provide an accessible and effective learning experience for both students and instructors.

WCAG Version 2.2
Fully Accessible

TimelyGrader has been designed to fully meet WCAG 2.2 AA standards

VPAT version 2.5 tag.

We offer a VPAT report that outlines our adherence to accessibility standards

"passed" tag

Completed and passed several instances of the BTAA questionnaire

Tag indicating that we have a full HECVAT available, version 3.06
Secure & FERPA Compliant

HECVAT Full and Lite forms are available upon request

Learn more
Demonstration of a user navigating TimelyGrader with keyboard navigation.

Example of navigating TimelyGrader with keyboard navigation

Sign up for TimelyGrader today or see how it works

TimelyGrader Logo

Enhancing education with AI-powered grading and feedback.